You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

We’re here to help.

The human body is a complex wonder, and we can think of a million questions that you might have when trying to determine how to best take care of it. In order to figure out what works best for you, it is important to continuously learn and grow your knowledge of wellness. Since you’ve made it here today, you’ve already taken the first step.

We’ve compiled questions and resources below that may help you, and are happy to assist you with any additional needs. Looking forward to being a part of your exciting and insightful journey ahead!

  • During your initial consultation, you will complete a confidential health history assessment to discuss any medical conditions and/or medications that you are currently or have previously been prescribed.

    Your complete assessment may include all or a combination of the following: Functional and Core Analysis, Traditional Orthopaedic Testing for strength and range of motion, Neurofunctional Testing for nerve conduction, and Visceral Mobility Testing. On a cellular level, Bioresonance and Emotional Testing may be suggested.

    Recognizing that your treatment plan should be as unique as you are, we will actively discuss your concerns, assess your individual needs, and analyze factors that may be contributing to discomfort such as lifestyle and nutrition.

    Following your assessment, we will develop a comprehensive, custom treatment plan with you to help you unlock your full potential, become the best version of yourself, and begin enjoying all that life has to offer.

  • When it comes to driving results through treatment, most often, consistency is key. For acute conditions, therapy is most beneficial with a series of treatments followed up with less frequent maintenance or preventative treatments.

    Through mutual discussion of your needs, preferences, and abilities, we will assist you in establishing a program that fits your unique lifestyle.. We are committed to your recovery and to the maintenance of your health, and our qualified health professionals will solely recommend treatment with your utmost care in mind.

  • Yes, you are entirely in control of the treatment and your therapist will abide by your decisions at the time of consent. Please note, however, that by modifying certain treatments, you may not experience complete benefits and resolutions to the issues that you are facing. You have the right to revoke your consent and to stop the treatment at any time.

  • Yes, this is your decision to make. Your comfort level is most important to us, and we are dedicated to ensuring that you feel at ease in our care. Please discuss this matter with your therapist, and they will be happy to assist you.

  • Be prepared for your treatment by wearing a tank top or camisole and shorts (if you don’t have athletic clothing a two piece bathing suit is acceptable).

    This will allow for optimal treatment of tissue while maintaining your comfort. Please avoid wearing a turtleneck or restrictive clothing. Females should not wear an underwire bra. This dress code will enable our therapist to ascertain restrictions and inflammation in the body. Certain treatments do require the removal of clothing to ensure effectiveness, yet the extent can certainly be discussed with your therapist to ensure that you feel comfortable. Your safety and comfort are our priority, and all treatments can be modified to maintain these standards.

  • In most cases, there is no pain experienced in therapy. As with many treatments affecting the soft tissue, however, there are instances where therapy may cause light discomfort, which usually diminishes rapidly. Should a technique be used which may evoke discomfort, your therapist will always discuss the matter with you in advance and obtain your permission.

    In the case of acupuncture, some areas of the body may be more tender than others, causing minor bruising may occur.

    For each client, a comfort scale will be established and the therapist will work within their unique tolerance level. You may stop or change the treatment at any time, and your therapist will be happy to modify their techniques to meet your needs and preferences.

  • Yes, even infants can be treated. Our policy, however, is that anyone under the age of 16 must have an adult present in the room throughout the treatment, and that the parent must also provide their signed consent prior to treatment.

  • The main objective of neuro-functional therapy is to identify the cause of the complaint, and to ensure that the brain communicates with the body via the nervous system to confirm that its systems are functioning optimally and maximizing the body’s adaptive potential.

    In other words, it makes sure that each part of your body is doing its job. It ensures that individual organs are functioning as they should, that nerves are free to conduct electrical impulses, that arteries and veins can transport fluids, that glands can regulate proper hormone output, that joints can move in their designed full range, that muscles have full strength, that bones are where they should be, and that connective tissue is not stuck.

    The types of therapy performed with this neuro-functional approach may include neural (nerve) manipulation and vessel compression release for carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injury and rehab therapy for concussions, muscle strains, and sprains, organ (visceral) manipulation for digestive or female pelvic issues, spinal biomechanics realignment for scoliosis or disc compression, psycho-emotional integration for. depression or PSTD, connective tissue (fascia) release for IT band syndrome, and neuro-functional contemporary medical acupuncture for varied conditions and symptoms.

    At Body Solutions, we take a comprehensive integrative approach that is complimentary to our medical system to care for your long-term wellbeing. Here in North America, life and daily habits often lead to chronic conditions that we simply learn to live with or accept as our “normal”, leaving us with little to no adaptive potential. Even for those who seek medical help, whether it be traditional medical (allopathic) or natural (holistic) therapy, these treatment approaches typically that focus on the symptoms that typically result in short-term relief, rather than prioritizing long-term care. At Body Solutions, this is what we focus on.

    Since the body is made up of many interrelated components and is constantly adapting to changes, our focus is on discovering and treating the cause of the origins of symptoms. We don’t believe that any sole form of treatment can diagnose, treat, and resolve a chronic medical or emotional condition. This being the case, we have made it our determination to constantly be at the forefront of the industry, educating ourselves in a variety of therapies. We are dedicated to long-term solutions.

  • Even elite athletes don’t have different body parts than any other human being. However, they do push the limits of what the body is capable of. As graduates of the McMaster University Health Science program qualifying as Advanced Neurofunctional Sports Performance Specialists, our clinic’s focus is to deal with the cause of any injury or pain, allowing for sports performance to be optimized and for adaptive potential to be maximized for quicker recovery.

    When treating sports-related injuries, we carry out detailed assessments to pinpoint the dysfunction, and may adapt our treatment methods to include special treatments depending on the injury. These include may include specific neuro-functional therapy that may involve electro-acupuncture to reset muscle memory or holding patterns, fascial release techniques, k-taping, at-home home rehab (remedial), and functional exercise (active stretching and core strengthening).

    Sports Therapy. Most of us have heard the term, for serious athletes, it’s a critical part of their regular regime and is just as valuable to the ordinary person.

    At Body Solutions Health Clinic, we have honed our neuro-functional approach for those who regularly engage in vigorous sports, as part of their career or recreation time. Recovery time is not always a luxury that is available; this being the case, much of the time, “band-aid” therapies and meds are engaged as a quick-fix to keep you moving…temporarily. The challenge with this approach is that the real culprit is not addressed; as a result, these issues re-surface time and again – often at the most inopportune time, and more severe. As a motivated athlete with serious goals, keeping your body and mind in excellent condition is key to your safety and success.

    As with all of our clients, our key objective is to address the root cause of your pain, decreased core strength, agility, or power, or limited mobility issues. In working with such a diverse range of athletes, from soccer and hockey players, to triathletes and young gymnasts, to the snow-shovelling athlete, we are attuned to their unique needs. We provide tailored treatments that may include specific programs (i.e. plyometric training, proprioception retraining, multiple joint actions, progressive overload, increasing VO2 max, essentials for recovery, cautions of overtraining, etc.), enabling the client to reach their full adaptive potential. No matter your level of athleticism, we take your health seriously and design individual treatment plans that deliver lasting results.

  • What is bioresonance therapy?

    Bioresonance therapy is a revolutionary computer-based, non-invasive assessment of your entire body with 96% precision. This method is safe, even for a child 5 years of age, and was designed not just to assess, but also to create a personalized holistic healing program that is unique to you. With bioresonance, we are able to understand a big picture of your body, and identify causes of and the interconnections between the existing health issues and risks of potential diseases.

    As distinct individuals, we recognize that our bodies are as different from one another as each creature, flower or food. Though we are all humans, each of us has a unique set of characteristics and tendencies that differentiate us from our fellow humans. This being the case, a one-size-fits all approach is completely ineffective and a source of frustration. For those pursuing genuine wellness, it’s no easy feat in today’s society.

    At Body Solutions, we strive to reveal the specific source of your condition. In order to treat you effectively, we really listen and try to understand what your unique body is saying. With this goal in mind, we have invested in and implemented cutting edge European technology using bioresonance science to measure exactly what is going on with your body, right down to a cellular and molecular level, allowing us to create custom treatments for your needs.

    What is the science behind bioresonance therapy?

    Every tissue, organ, toxic substance and so forth, has its own unique frequency range which can be measured. With bioresonance therapy, the device interfaces with the human electrical fields to exchange of information through three different mechanisms: sound (stimulates the midbrain, including subcortical parts), infrared light, and electrodermal response (electric current through skin). Through these three mechanisms, the devise is engineered to collect information and process the results through a highly complex proprietary computer program. In other words, the effect is brought about by the stimulation of the individual’s defences, excretion of toxins and toxic metabolic products, deactivation of infections, tissue regeneration, and stimulation of the restorative processes in the body.

    The first level of treatment (Bioresonance) focuses on the most changed structures of the organ tissues, and is focused on the deep cellular level. It assists in normalizing the micro-flora of the organ, reducing the inflammation processes, and recovering as much of the damaged organ functions possible. The second level of treatment (Frequency Compensation) follows the bioresonance treatment to assist in the removal of toxins so that the organ’s cells may begin to recover.

    Medical science in every major hospital uses frequency-based machines to assess and give a basis for a diagnosis. Our clinic has X-ray laser machines (X-ray frequency) and ultra-sound technology (devices operating with frequencies from 20 kHz up to several gigahertz), and we use electro-cardio-grams (ECG or EKG) to test heart rhythms along with electro-encephalo-grams (EEG) to test brainwave activities. Physiotherapy uses electrical impulses with a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) unit to treat muscles, and laser therapy to rehab joints and for eye correction. We even treat liver bilirubin levels (i.e. jaundice) with phototherapy (blue light frequency spectrum), and are equipped with an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine.

    Please note that these treatments are in no way a replacement for thorough medical diagnoses and treatment. Please be sure to consult your physician for any serious medical health issues.

  • As a courtesy to both client and therapist, please respect the following policies:

    Comfort and Safety

    Your comfort and safety are out priority. We will be happy to make adjustments to the pressure applied during treatment, also to the lighting or temperature if possible. We are committed to enhancing your personal health and well-being. Please feel free to express your preferences and we will do our best to accommodate them.

    Early Arrival

    Arriving late is a breach of etiquette and will result in a shortened treatment. Please keep in mind that your treatment must end on time to prevent further delays, regardless of how late you begin. Few exceptions will apply.

    Cancellation Policy

    Out of consideration for your therapist, a 48-hour advanced re-scheduling or cancellation notice is required. Broken appointments will be billed 100% of pre-booked time. By law, any receipt issued will also reflect this.

    Payment Methods

    We currently accept payment online via credit card. There is no debit machine at the clinic, and all payments must be processed online.

    Health Insurance Policies

    Registered/Licensed professionals solely perform our services that are covered by insurance policies. A variety of therapies are covered under many Extended Health Insurance Plans. For further coverage details, consult your Human Resource Department or Health Policy. Some treatment modalities are not covered by insurance plans. Please be aware of this before agreeing to treatment as the full cost of treatment will be your responsibility.

    All treatments are by appointment only.

    There are no provisions for last-minute walk-in appointments.

  • No, you do not need a physician’s referral to seek treatment from a Registered Massage Therapist or Acupuncturist. Referral to your family physician is done if you require any further medical consultation or investigation. Please note, however, that, although not required by law, certain extended health plans still require a physician’s prescription for Registered Massage Therapy or Acupuncture Therapy in order to be reimbursed. Please ensure that you check with your insurance plan’s specifics prior to obtaining services.

  • In most cases, yes, your Extended Health Insurance will cover the cost of treatment. However, it is recommended that you please review your Extended Health Plan or call your Human Resource department to confirm the details prior to seeking treatment. In the case for Bioresonance Therapy, there is no current Extended Health Insurance coverage.

  • No, massage therapy treatments are not covered under OHIP, regardless of whether the treatments are provided by a Massage Therapist directly, by a physician or required by a physician.

    Most progressive Extended Health Insurance plans do cover massage therapy treatments when provided by a Registered Massage Therapist and most do not require a physician’s order to do so. Please contact your employer or insurance provider for more information.

  • As regulated health professionals, Registered Massage Therapists are required as a part of the standards set by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario to maintain the information you provide, both verbally and in written form, in the strictest of confidence. In addition, Registered Massage Therapists are covered by Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004. As a result, information that is collected about clients may be collected only with consent, may only be disclosed with consent or to your immediate health providers, and must be secured and maintained at all times.

  • Our clinic is not set up to handle motor vehicle accident insurance cases. The full cost of treatment incurred is the responsibility of the client. If you cannot afford to pay out of pocket, we suggest that you please visit a clinic that often deals with motor vehicle accident insurance cases. In most cases, your Vehicle Insurance will cover the payments once a treatment plan is submitted and approved.

  • We currently accept online payments via credit card. This includes Visa and MasterCard. There is no debit machine at the clinic, and all payments must be processed online.

    An official receipt will be issued to you at the time of treatment, which you can provide to your Extended Health Insurance provider for reimbursement. Most workplace Extended Health Insurance plans cover the cost of our services due to provincial registration with the respective colleges.

  • At this time, we do not currently offer gift certificates for purchase.


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